
Are you preparing for a medical entrance exam? Do you struggling to complete the exam within the given time frame? Time management is crucial when it comes to performing well in medical entrance examinations. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of effective time management during exams and provide some study hacks that can help boost your performance. Get ready to ace your exams with these tips and hacks!

Advantages of time management for entrance exams

Effective time management during entrance exams can bring numerous benefits. First, it enables you to complete the exam within the allocated time. This not only helps reduce stress but also ensures that you have enough time to double check your answers.

Proper time management can help boost your confidence levels and reduce anxiety. When you are able to manage your time effectively, you are less likely to be nervous during the exam.

A good time management skills allow you to have a sufficient amount of time for each question according to its difficulty level. This way, you will be able to answer easy questions quickly and have more attention towards solving tougher ones.

When you’re managing your time effectively, you’ll feel more confident in your exam. Effective planning and utilization of time is more important in medical entrance exams.

Time Management Study Hacks During Exams

Here are some study hacks to help you manage your time effectively during the exam. By using these study hacks, students preparing for medical entrance exams can learn effective ways of managing their precious exam time while maximizing their performance.

Solve Previous Question Papers

Solving previous question papers is a great way to manage your time during medical entrance exams. It helps you understand the exam pattern, types of questions asked and the time required to solve each section.

By solving previous year’s papers, you can identify the important topics that are frequently asked in the exam. This will help you focus on those topics while preparing for your entrance exams.

You will also get an idea of how much time you need to allocate for each section or subject. It can also help in reducing anxiety levels and creates a sense of familiarity with the exam format.

Set a Mock Test

Setting a mock test is one of the best time management study hacks during exams. Mock tests are practice exams that simulate the actual exam environment and allow you to identify your strengths and weaknesses before the real exam. By taking several mock tests, you can hone your skills and make significant improvements in your performance.

They can help you understand how much time it takes for you to complete an entire paper or section. This gives you a good idea of how quickly or slowly you need to work through each question on exam. It also gives insight into which areas require more attention.

Find a Tutor to Help You

When it comes to preparing for medical entrance exams, finding a tutor can be extremely beneficial. A tutor can help you identify your weaknesses and provide guidance on how to improve you.

Choosing the best tutor will be not easy. But it is advisable to choose the recommended tutor from other students who have already taken the same exam. Once you have found a tutor, it’s important to make the most of your time with them by clearing all your doubts. 

Read Through the Question Paper Before You Start

One of the key components of effective time management is reading through the question paper before starting to write the exam. Many students skip this step and jump straight into answering questions.

Reading through the question paper allows you to get an overview of what you can answer easily. You’ll be able to identify which sections are most important and allocate your time accordingly.

By reading the question paper, you will be able to prepare yourself mentally for any difficult questions that might require more time and effort.

Allocate Time for Questions

Allocating time for each question is more important. Many students make the mistake of spending too much time on one difficult question and end up running out of time before they complete the exam. To prevent this, divide your exam time among all the questions. Start by calculating how much time you have for each section based on the total number of questions. This will help ensure that you are able to answer all questions within their given time.

Some questions may take more time than others, so be prepared to adjust your timing accordingly. If a question is taking more time than expected, move onto another one and come back later if you have extra time at the end.

Answer the Easy Questions First

One effective strategy in time management in medical entrance exams is answering the easy questions first. This can help you gain confidence and feel easy in the exam.

By starting with the easier questions, you can quickly increase the points and reduce anxiety which arise from initially attending the difficult questions. It also helps to increase more time towards handling harder questions.

Make sure you’re keeping track of how much time is left and enough for difficult ones. Strive for balance between easy and tougher question during your exams.

Plan and Time Your Long Answers

When it comes to medical entrance exams, long answer questions can be time consuming. It’s important to have a plan when dealing with these types of questions

Read the question carefully and note the key points. Create an outline for your answer. Estimate how much time each question will take to write. Set a timer for each question so that you don’t spend too much time on one part.

Keep an Eye on the Clock!

When it comes to medical entrance exams, time is precious. Keeping an eye on the clock helps ensure you to use your given time effectively during medical entrance exams. One small mistake can cost your precious time that could have been used to answer a difficult question or revise your answers. 

Before starting the exam, make sure you are aware of how much time you have for each section. During the exam, check the clock periodically and adjust your pace.

Prioritize answering easy and short questions first so that you save more time for longer and complex questions. Don’t get stuck on one question, move on if it’s taking too long and come back later if you have time at the end.

Top 5 tips on time management for medical entrance exams

Organize your time

Without proper planning and organization, you risk wasting your precious study time.

Start by assessing how much study time you have available each day and week. Divide this into manageable parts that allow you to cover all necessary topics without feeling stressed.

Take regular breaks, this will give your mind a recharge. By taking these steps to organize your time effectively, you’ll set yourself up for exam.

Analyze your requirements

Before you begin studying for the medical entrance exams, you must analyze yourself. This means that you need to assess your strengths and weaknesses in various subjects, and also determine how much time you have before the exam date.

Begin by completely understanding the exam pattern and syllabus. Get know what topics are covered and their weightage will help plan out a study schedule effectively. Once you know what is expected from the exam, take a practice test to understand to find your current level. 

Decide on which resources such as books, online coaching classes, tutors suit better for your requirements.

Prioritize your subjects

You will be required to cover a vast syllabus while preparing for medical entrance exams. It is essential to prioritize the subjects, as some topics may require more time than others. First analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Give priority for the subject that you are feeling difficult about. Prioritizing your subjects will help you focus on what’s essential and avoid wasting time.

Prepare a schedule

Creating a well structured study schedule can make a difference when it comes to managing your time effectively for medical entrance exams. Scheduling means dividing your study time into manageable parts and allocating specific subjects to each part with time.

When creating your schedule, it’s important to consider your own preferences and studying habits. Some people may prefer to study early in the morning while others at night. Make a schedule according to your study style.

Give yourself enough time for each subject and don’t overload yourself with too much in one sitting. Keep in mind that quality is more essential than quantity.

Adhere to your schedule

Creating an effective schedule doesn’t guarantee success unless it’s followed diligently.  Deviating from your plan can have significant consequences on your preparation. Therefore, it’s important to hold yourself for following through your schedule.

One way to ensure that you adhere to your schedule is by setting specific goals and deadlines. Avoid multitasking as much as possible. 


Time management is an important factor that can make or break your medical entrance exam performance. By following these hacks and tips, you can effectively manage your time and increase your chances of cracking the medical entrance exams. Students can increase their medical entrance exam performance by learning these effective ways of time management.